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firefoxFirefox Add-on's



Firefox Internet Browser -- link
If you have not yet tried Firefox we highly recommend it - much more functionality and thousands of add-ons make browsing the web a dream.


Colourful Tabs
-- link
Colors every tab in a different color and makes them easy to distinguish while beautifying the overall appearance of the interface. An essential..


Undo closed tabs -- link
This extension allows you to undo closed tabs via a toolbar button, right-click context menu or even a shortcut (Alt+Z).


Google Bookmarks - google account required - link
Bookmark websites you find usefull to google bookmarks instead of your PC.
This means if you ever want to visit a site again and can't remember the address (URL) simply log into google bookmarks and find it there!. This is also a handy Firefox add-on to allow you to add bookmarks to your google barmarks account from the menu.


Morning Coffee -- link
Keeps track of daily routine websites and opens them in tabs.
This extension lets you organize websites by day and open them up simultaneously as part of your daily routine. This is really handy if you read sites that update on a regular schedule


Split Browser
-- link
This splits the content area of the browser window as you like.
It will help you in various cases. For example, to compare multiple webpages (side by side),
to show a calendar always, and so on.


All in one Gestures -- link
This extension allows you to execute common commands using mouse gestures, (draw a line right to left to go back for example)
rocker navigation, scroll wheel navigation and page scrolling.



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